
  • 26 full summers at camps around the world
    From California to Maine, United States to New Zealand

    • Camp characteristics included: both centralized and decentralized camps; from 1 – 8 weeks; camp sizes from 60 children to over 400; single gender and coed camps; affiliations – agency, religiously affiliated, independent for profit, and independent not for profit; and from free to $2000 per week.
    • Has been a director of a camp with 400 children and 115 staff, and a camp with 90 children and 60 staff.
  • Directed three different summer camps, currently at 
    • Camp is sold out every year with only $120 spent on marketing annually (web server)
    • Camper and staff return rates in the 80-90% range (depending on year)


  • Doctorate in psychology with concentrations in developmental, social, and organizational psychology
  • Conducted several original camp outcome, research evaluations
  • Taught at 3 universities, including child development at Westmont